Shopping Guide
For example, When you need a CF-VZSU0KW Battery For Panasonic CF-54 TOUGHBOOK, You can search with CF-VZSU0KW or CF-54 in our site.
We can find the battery model on batteries lable: it is a CF-VZSU0KW Battery. The model number usually consists of letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens, and other characters, and has the word model next to it.
How to find laptop model:
Panasonic CF-54 Battery Front Picture:
Panasonic CF-54 Battery back Picture:
Find the laptop model on its back label:
How to search CF-54 battery with battery model:
How to buy CF-54 battery with battery model CF-VZSU0KW: Just enter the laptop mdoel ' CF-54' and click the 'checkout with paypal' botton or ' add to cart ' button.
Next shopping steps:
Just fill your shipping address -----> Check out----> Pay for it.
An email include all order informaiton will be sent out by our system. You can get the tracking number and tracking url here:
**Please note: To protect customers' personal information, Our store does not require customer registration, and customers can get all services through email and order ID. ****
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